Friday, July 31, 2009

Six month dating gifts for boyfriend?

my girlfriend and i just had our six month dating anniversery and i got her flowers and a neckless. she didnt get me anything and didnt even remeber what the day was, ive never missed a month.

i sorta feel used even though she is the most amazing girl ever and i know she feels the same about me.

should i be concerned?

why didnt she remember or get me a present?

is it customery for a girl to get a guy a present for a six month?

(im not being greedy just curious)

Six month dating gifts for boyfriend?
an·ni·ver·sa·ry –noun

1. the yearly recurrence of the date of a past event.

yearly, not monthly...

so it's not a big deal she didn't miss your faux anniversary...

maybe she's holding out for your real anniversary?
Reply:six month gift... what?
Reply:Some couples celebrate 6months but some don't. If she doesn't remember the 1st year anniversary then she may not be completely into this relationship.
Reply:back off george. if she were that into you, she'd be remembering the anniversarys more than you.
Reply:If you have to buy gifts every month, you're going to go broke after a while. I wouldn't be too upset about it. You should save your money for BIG birthday, christmas, your year anniversary. if you are buying big things now after just six short months, you're going to be feeling like you have to out do yourself with bigger and better things everytime and soon run out of ideas and money. If you want to get her something sometimes ,you should do it out of the blue, "just because"...not out of a silly obligation to a "month anniversary". (and she shouldn't expect things every month either, I might add)
Reply:there are other ways to show you care than give gifts.

next month, if your still into giving, why not cook for her, or take a picnic, ask her about it.

Maybe she is looking ahead further than a month at a time, once you get past that hurdle, you will be able to stop dwelling on the gift aspect
Reply:your so sweet....lots of couples celebrate 6 months...maybe she forgot and maybe she feels like a jerk right now and doesn't want to say did she react to the gift that is more important...was she happy and suprised...then she forgot and was probably telling everyone she knows how you remembered...if she didn't seem impressed drop her *** because no matter how great of a girl she is getting a gift from your man no matter how big or small should be recieved graciously. next time you get a six month gift for a girl ask her first if she wants to do something special for 6 months, doing something together can be better than a gift....but you are a super star for remembering and caring about the 6 month anniversary.
Reply:Maybe she didn't know what to get you. Or maybe she's like me and only celebrates anniversaries annually, not semi-annually or monthly. (Because I'm anal retentive like that...and monthly anniversaries are linguistically impossible...)

It could also be that she's not big into gifts or maybe expresses her love/like better in non-gift ways.

make up

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