Saturday, July 25, 2009

Making gifts using legos?

I thought it would be awesome to make my friend her bday gift out of legos. Any ideas? or any designs/layouts to help me through these ideas? I would also love to make a flower or a lily with legos- does anyone know how to do that?

Making gifts using legos?
I searched through the Lego web site. Here are some images of what others have built.
Reply:Make it vertical but make sure you use pieces that can be attached to the sides (front and back dimensions as well as top and bottom surfaces) and lay it flat and work on it like that: a lily would be the perfect gift for your friend; ive loved legos ever since i was a child. Good luck!
Reply:I've seen a case for a desktop computer built out of legos (or something very similar).

Relative to flowers, they'd been even worse to keep clean than the computer case.

White Teeth

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