Prostitutes of course are completely honest about exchanging money for sex. Other women find it hard to be this honest and force men into convoluted methods of indirect exchange (movies, dinner, flowers, gifts).
Is this honesty the reason that other women look down at prostitutes? Are they afraid that by others placing a fixed dollar value on sex they will not be able to get as much out of a guy indirectly?
When it really comes down to it, is there any important difference between these two groups of women?
Aside from the honesty, is there really any important difference between a prostitute and any other woman?
interesting question.
I%26#039;d have to say no.
Reply:interesting...its just one difference:prostitute do it for money,other woman from hobby! :)
Reply:There is no emotional involvement with a professional.
Honesty also in being able to tell them what the guy wants.
No obligation to satisfy the prostitute in return.
Lots of women say no strings, but paying someone to provide service really IS no strings. They%26#039;re happy to see you, happy to do you, happy to get paid and best of all happy to leave.
Reply:What the...?
Listen pal, just coz you don%26#039;t know how to pick them doesn%26#039;t mean you go around generalizing and calling women prostitutes. That is the most ignorant, child-like thing i have ever heard someone say, and I am surrounded by children everyday.
Bite me
Reply:in other words, women are all prostitutes in your world?
it%26#039;s time to get out of that world.
Reply:Ones a short term investment, the other is a long term investment.
Seriously though your assumption is flawed or skewed. You assume all women are looking to get material things from men in exchange for sex. I will have to agree that there is a significant percentage of women who do, but to make it sound like most women do is just wrong. It is the same as a woman stating that the only thing men are interested in is sex.
Unforturnately todays media continues to encourage this type behaviour with shows like The Bachelor. I have and always will avoid the type of woman who is only after money.
Reply:Yes. First of all, movies, dinner, flowers..that is called a date and does not in any way guarantee sex. It is something you do to get to know the other person better and because you genuinely enjoy their company. (Women also present men with isn%26#039;t one way).
Secondly, prostitiutes tend to be emoitionally disconnected with the sexual is just a job that they do. Most women consider it be an intimate act.
People tend to look down on prostitution as a profession for many reasons. Sex is mostly thought to be a personal act between two people who have feelings for each other. It is not something you pay for. Some prostitutes choose to not take great care of their bodies and the chance to catch a rather nasty disease is higher. Also, this may just be me, but I do not know any women that would have sex with more than one man in a given month much less in a day.
For any men who hold women in a low regard (if I give you money, you give me your body and I may never see you again), want to chance getting a disease, and think that low of actually committing to a realtionship with one women (or just the dating process alone) all means feel free to go to a prostitute. We women will not feel cheated in any way or worry that we will not be able to %26quot;get as much out of a guy indirectly%26quot;.
Reply:it can actually be easier to respect the prostitute then the serial daters...if you put it that way
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